'Hurricane Amnesia' Poses Big Risk in Florida

Posted May 13, 2016

(TNS) — This is the season when weather forecasters and emergency managers tell Floridians, over and over, that they're at risk from tropical storms.

The problem is making them take the warnings seriously and do things that will reduce the impact hurricanes can have on their lives and property. The effort has become as important as forecasting itself.

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NYC Subway Study Will Test Impact of a Chemical Attack

Posted May 10, 2016

Air sampling will occur in 55 stations around Manhattan after non-toxic gases are released, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

(TNS) — The Department of Homeland Security is testing airflow inside the city’s subway system this week as a way to predict what would happen in a possible chemical attack.

The week-long study poses no risk to the public, the Department of Homeland Security said.

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NOAA, USAF Reserve embark on Gulf Coast Hurricane Awareness Tour

Posted May 10, 2016

May 6, 2016As part of its efforts to build a Weather-Ready Nation, NOAA’s hurricane experts will tour five U.S. Gulf coastal cities to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for the upcoming hurricane season. The tour will include a U.S. Air Force Reserve WC-130J hurricane hunter aircraft and the NOAA G-IV aircraft, both of which are used in hurricane forecasting.

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Department Of Homeland Security: How To Build Resilient Networks

Posted Apr 26, 2016

Today’s global cybersecurity threats do not allow for any perfect solutions, security expert Juliette Kayyem tells business owners.

“You’re never going to get the risk to zero,” Kayyem said. ““The goal is to minimize the risk.”

Kayyem served as President Obama’s assistant secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security and now holds a faculty spot at the Harvard Kennedy School.

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Be Prepared Because Disasters Will Happen, Says 'Miracle' Pilot

Posted Apr 22, 2016

(TNS) - Disasters happen. What matters is how people respond.

That was one message of American Red Cross Serving Central Illinois' 23rd annual Evening of Stars on Thursday night.

Delivering that and other messages was featured speaker Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, the pilot of the "Miracle on the Hudson."

"What I hope people glean from his story is that disasters do happen but here was someone who was as prepared as he could be and he managed it," said Lyn Hruska, Red Cross regional chief development officer.

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Would the United States Survive a Cyberattack-Induced Blackout?

Posted Apr 20, 2016

(TNS) -- U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Hazleton, recently examined how well prepared the United States is for a cyber-attack on the electrical grid.

The sub-committee heard testimony that states and localities should be prepared to face weeks, rather than days, of power outages following such an assault.

Barletta chaired a subcommittee hearing for the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee titled: “Blackout! Are We Prepared to Manage the Aftermath of a Cyber-Attack or Other Failure of the Electrical Grid?”

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