The Bottom Line Corporate giants pour money into emergency response and research.

Posted Jun 2, 2016

Walmart and Wells Fargo are two unsung heroes of the emergency management world. While most corporations focus mainly on their bottom lines, these two titans make major, tangible contributions to emergency management agencies in their communities. In doing so, both companies combine a sense of civic responsibility with enlightened self-interest — because the disasters that affect their communities also affect these corporations’ properties, employees and paying customers.

More Than $50 Million Contributed

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‘Normal’ Number of Storms Forecast for 2016 Hurricane Season

Posted May 27, 2016

(TNS) - MIAMI — Normal could still be bad.

On Friday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecast an average number of storms for the Atlantic hurricane season, with 10 to 16 named storms, four to eight hurricanes and one to four major storms packing winds over 110 mph. But that doesn’t mean that the season, which officially begins Wednesday, could be without trouble. Already a storm has bucked the odds by threatening to form off the coast of Florida over the holiday weekend.

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Officials: Hurricane Season Coming, Get Ready Now

Posted May 23, 2016

This year's season, from June 1 through Nov. 30, could be more active than those the past couple of years.


(TNS) - Tropical storm and hurricane season kicks off June 1, so it's not too early to get ready.

That was the message federal, state and local emergency planners delivered last week during Hurricane Preparedness Week.

The message is simple: Be prepared.

This year's season, from June 1 through Nov. 30, could be more active than those the past couple of years, experts say.

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Public Safety Teams Conduct Test Run Ahead of Hurricane Season

Posted May 19, 2016

Since 2004, the population of Marion County has grown by 41,500 people, to more than 330,000 people. No one knows how many of the new residents have experience with hurricanes.

(TNS) - Marion County emergency officials say that each time they speak to community groups, they become more concerned about inexperience and complacency as hurricane season approaches.

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National EMS Week "EMS Strong: Called to Care"

Posted May 17, 2016

May 15-21, 2016
This week, the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) recognizes EMS Week in Virginia and pays special tribute to all Virginia EMS personnel. We recognize your dedication and commitment to serving the citizens of the Commonwealth with quality prehospital care.

EMS for Children (EMSC) Day is Wednesday, May 18, and it raises awareness of pediatric health and the efforts being made to reduce child disability and death due to severe illness and injury.

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Women Disproportionately Affected by Disaster, Experts Say

Posted May 17, 2016

Though disasters do not discriminate, their impacts affect men and women differently. Globally, women and children are 14 times more likely to die or be injured during a disaster than men.

(TNS) - The vital role of women in reducing the risk of disasters is being highlighted in a regional conference that opened yesterday in Hanoi.

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