Transforming Cyber and Infrastructure Security: An Interview with the DHS Cyber Chief

Posted Feb 3, 2016

An exclusive interview with Dr. Phyllis Schneck, deputy under secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications for the National Protection and Programs Directorate within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

As our global online world evolves before our eyes, the topic of cybersecurity seems overwhelming to most people. Just as new innovative opportunities are announced daily, emerging cyberthreats can undermine online progress in virtually every area of life.

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What You Should do When Your Home or Office Starts Shaking in an Earthquake

Posted Feb 3, 2016

(TNS) - Early Sunday morning the ground started to rattle in Alaska, and those who didn’t sleep through the 7.1-magnitude earthquake reacted in many different ways.

Some people ran outside of their homes, while others pressed themselves into doorways. Some people hurried down the stairs of hotels in their underwear, while others squatted under kitchen tables.

But what’s the best thing to do when you feel the floors start to sway?

Emergency officials have a few tips and one of them is stay inside.

What should I do if I wake up to an earthquake?

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Government Officials, Social Execs Rally Support for Concerted Response to Islamic State

Posted Jan 28, 2016

The effort comes in reaction to the Islamic State's Internet campaign that has helped entice thousands of foreign foot soldiers and inspire lone-wolf attacks.

(TNS) — A year before Islamic State declared its caliphate in Syria and Iraq, Abdulmunam Almushawah noticed a disturbing development from more than 1,000 miles away in Saudi Arabia.

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