Regional Healthcare Emergency Planning

Regional Healthcare Emergency Planning

Regional healthcare emergencies require coordinated planning. The NVERS Healthcare Coalition Planning Committee develops and maintains the Regional Healthcare Emergency Operations Plan (RHEOP), and a suite of accompanying annexes. The RHEOP guides healthcare coalition actions during emergency responses, including the functions of the Regional Healthcare Coordination Center (RHCC). The RHEOP Annexes include specialized plans for Infectious Disease and Special Pathogen Response, Mass Burn Incidents, Pediatric Surge, Radiological and Chemical Incidents, and more. The Healthcare Coalition Planning Committee features representation from hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, emergency management, public health, mental and behavioral health, emergency medical services, and healthcare coalition staff. Plans are designed to meet all federal and state requirements, and incorporate national best practices. The RHEOP is routinely tested through several annual exercises, and is updated following real-world incidents, exercises, and specified review cycles.