NVERS Conducts the Region's First Medical Response and Surge Exercise

On April 16, 2024 NVERS conducted the region’s first Medical Response and Surge Exercise (MRSE). This full-scale exercise simulated near-simultaneous acts of mass violence occurring in two (2) areas of the healthcare coalition region, resulting in a catastrophic patient surge at the region’s hospitals. Over 1,000 simulated patients were distributed to twenty-five (25) hospitals in the region across three (3) waves, prompting hospitals to conduct a thorough review of surge capabilities and an examination of the resources needed to support a large-scale patient surge. The exercise tested communications with the Regional Healthcare Coordination Center (RHCC) and highlighted the RHCC’s role in supporting patient distribution, coordination and fulfillment of resource requests, and collaboration with other healthcare coalitions in Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland. NVERS would like to thank all of the exercise participants for their support in the execution of the MRSE. A full after-action report will be available on the NVERS SharePoint once complete.
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